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F*ck Godaddy


So, I used Wordpress as the headless CMS in the previous version of my app. But I didn't want to pay $100 each year to fucking stupid Godaddy. Why? Because I am not even a blogger and I wrote almost nothing here. The only options I had:

  • F*ck Godaddy
  • F*ck Wordpress
  • Use Markdown to write posts

It was kind of easy, but I had to do it quickly because I only had a few hours left before Godaddy f*cked my credit card again. I am not at all sorry for using the word fuck again and again (I just hope nobody finds my blog, ever!)

The Process

The process was fairly simple. I just had to follow the official NextJS tutorial. The only hurdle I faced was that my app was setup a bit differently than the turotial. Other than that, everything was pretty straight forward.

Writing In Markdown

Writing in md isn't as hard as it looked. Everything is the same (kinda), and I don't have to pay for anything lol. Imagine paying fucking Godaddy free money. They're dicks. They lost my domain once and fuck them.

Why Didn't I use Firebase, Supabase etc?

If you want to have sex, do you get f*cked by a bull first? Or.... If you want to fight your wife, do you pull out an AK-47? If you said yes, then you're a sociopath who needs to suck his dick. Using a database would be overkill for this little project of mine.

What Now?

Well, I just wanted to talk about the image. I fcking love it... I kind of promised, I'll never give fck all about featured images so I just choose whatever I like... The image is called Crossing the Teremakau River, painted on 1876 in London, by Nicholas Chevalier. It was a gift of Mrs Caroline Chevalier, the artist's widow who also lived in England. Cool right?